Monday, February 03, 2014

Birds in the Garden Winter 2014

P1000271 - Version 2
Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

At last a lens I can use for small garden birds … this may be the start of something new!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Walk to the Wonson with Preston

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

A magical day with Preston much snow and all gone in two days.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The boys go travelling in Greece

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Robbie and i set off early from Tyros and headed up to Athen with Wendy. we then headed south to Cape Sounion and went to this wonderful Temple to Poseidon. i last went here in 1973 !!! Wonderful memories of then and now

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pauline's 90th !!!

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Great day at Lewtrenchard Manor with all the Budds

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Manaton to Lustleigh

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Preston and I had a fantastic 4hr round walk through the wood from Manaton to Lustleigh ... through the woods down to the Bovey River ....and then on through Lustleigh Cleave and down to the Village and then at last to the Cleave Pub .. very nice but not what it was. What it was was a VERY friends family pub and now its its very tasteful and you could swear you are i Surrey ....the old family room with its endless old games and drawing pads has gone. the wonderful old back bar has been tarted up and is like a rather good version of a Frog and Ferret anywhere from here to East Anglia . On the other hand the glorious church in Lustleigh is worth shouting about. There is a wonderful screen and amazingly a Rood above it ... to the South is a lovely little chapel off the nave built in the late middle ages . The man who built it died in the North and despite his daughter's best entreateses the local Bishops would not allow him to be disinterred and brought back to rest. Both these bishops died within 4 weeks. So when she asked the third Exeter Bishop ... he wisely aged to the request.
All left after the pub is the equally pleasant 2hr walk back via Water

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Martin's 60th

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Great Celebration as Will's hits sixty. What a great weekend. Lovely pub with many friends gathering and then a wonderful walk in bright sunshine from The lizard to Cadgwith.
Memorable days

Photos at

Monday, May 07, 2012

A visit to Dad

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Dad died some 16 years ago now so it was nice when we were up in the Orkneys to go up to his grave on the north west tip of this island of Sanday in the Outer Orkneys.

We all have had such a lovely time with mum, andrew, Tish, Sarah Rob and i .....