Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Camper Vans in Woolacombe

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

This little cracker was spotted in Woolacombe in our family trip there. I took solice in its beauty as the rest of the family went on a shopping spree. i realise that i am a nightmare in shops. Frankly they are to me a nightmare!!!!
This wonderful machine filled me full of joy, and it won't be long till we are off across europe in our bus !!!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Erme Estuary

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Her Fi POrter and i started our rather short ( 5hr ) walk to Bigbury. Basically we dropped a car at Bigbury and then drove to Kingston in the south Hams . There is a lovely pub there with rooms by the was ( The Dolphin I think) . We then set off down to the Erme estuary. This is surrounded by the Flete estate. This has stopped any spoiling of thearea. Cottages can be rented through the estate office. Arriving at the mouth of the estuary you look back westard to Mothercombe across the water. However we were heading east now. a wonderful if somewhat up and down walk. The only hitch was walking gingerly across a field with a bull .. always rather nerve wracking.
Of course it was Tess's second big walk .. so she was thrilled. Arriving at Bigbury ( grotty) there are lovely views across to the island and hotel. We had a little further to go however as we needed to walk to where the ferry crossed the next estuary before returning to the car. This was in some ways the most lovely part of the walk. A sheltered estuary and spectacular views back to Burgh Island ... great fun

Monday, February 26, 2007

January trip to Liz and Jenny in Spain

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

What a fantastic trip. For the price of a second class stamp you can now post yourself to Spain. This is not very green , but it is very nice. the result is that fro three days you can have a lot of fun with two of your best friends, meet fantastic people and not influence them ( Paci& Sylie) , learn to play a new game and have more fun than you can shake a stick at. Then if you have time you learn how to mix metaphors is Spanish. Thanks to all for a lovely time .. hope to see you all again soon!!!!!!

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Well this was the scene at Bigbury Beach two weeks ago before we set out on our walk. It's a great scene. Somehow there is so much freedom there ..... I am not ure what this means to me ... but somehow and sometime I want to leave responsiblitly behind , to GO FLY A KITE .
It starts a little this summer , but i want to announce to the world that it is imperative that I become LESS responsible!!!!!

Traffic Jams

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

One of the things that people moving to Devon forget is that you really have to think about potential traffic jams , and round here they come in various forms. Fi & I took out time getting to Wembury and this was the main reason. Noone got shirty and it was fun just slowing down for a while!!!

Its sad in my mind to thin that this sight is increasingly rare in Devon. We used to have a herd of cows in our village of South Zeal that was brought through and milked at Clifford White's farm every day. The road was covered in cow pats , but it was part of the deal. now i reckon it would be consideered undesirable. Not in my book!!!!!

Surfing at Woolacombe

Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Well it may well be winter in the UK but nothing stops the Haygarth/ Chadawick/Bell triumvirate of families .... so cold even the life guards had gone home so almost everyone over the age of 6 went in .... Well someone had to take the photographs!!!!


Originally uploaded by drtombell1.

Wonderful walk in early February with Fi Porter .


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.
Today we spent the afternoon at the Haygarths with the Chad-a-wicks, Phils pictures are here.